LattaHarris, LLP

Melody Sutton

Melody has been an integral part of the LattaHarris team serving as the Network Manager. Her background includes a successful tenure as a network administrator in the US Air Force, where she honed her skills and expertise.

With a focus on Microsoft Windows networks, security, and training, Melody possesses specialized knowledge that has been instrumental in optimizing network operations at LattaHarris. Her commitment to staying current with industry advancements is evident in her academic achievements. Melody holds a degree in Network Administration from the Community College of the Air Force and further expanded her knowledge with a Business & Communication degree from Southeast Texas Tech.

Beyond her professional pursuits, Melody actively participates in various organizations, reflecting her dedication to the community. She is a member of the Veterans Association of the US Air Force, Infragard Iowa Chapter, and the Kirkwood IT Sector Board.

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