LattaHarris, LLP


Bookkeepers team or financial inspectors making report, calculating and checking balance. Tax service financial document. Audit or meeting concept.

Strategic Tax Solutions for Optimal Financial Outcomes

At LattaHarris, we believe in a proactive approach to taxes, staying ahead of the curve by keeping up-to-date with tax laws and legislation. By doing so, we can identify key tax planning opportunities that minimize both your current and future tax liabilities. Our team of experts is committed to providing our individual and business clients with the taxation expertise and knowledge they deserve throughout the year. Our comprehensive tax services include, but are not limited to:

Estate & Trust Tax Preparation

Effective estate and gift planning is essential for a smooth transfer of assets to your beneficiaries, ensuring security for your surviving spouse, and minimizing tax obligations on the transfer of business and other assets. For business owners, we understand the importance of business continuity and succession planning. Our experienced professionals will guide you through the complexities of organizing your financial affairs and developing a solid plan for the future.

IRS Representation

With our deep understanding of tax laws and regulations, we have achieved a high level of competence in representing our clients before federal and state tax agencies. Our extensive experience in dealing with various taxing authorities allows us to provide effective representation and ensure our clients’ interests are properly safeguarded.

Sales Tax Services

Managing sales tax obligations can be a complex task, especially for businesses responsible for collecting and submitting taxes across multiple jurisdictions. Our dedicated team can assist your company in efficiently compiling the necessary information and preparing sales tax returns, ensuring compliance and minimizing the administrative burden.

Tax Planning & Preparation

Tax planning and preparation are vital components of financial success for both individuals and businesses. Whether you are an individual taxpayer or a multi-tiered partnership, our knowledgeable staff is equipped to develop customized tax strategies that leverage new tax laws and legislation to your advantage. We work closely with you, analyzing your financial situation and objectives to optimize your tax position and maximize savings.

Choose LattaHarris for strategic tax solutions that drive optimal financial outcomes. Our proactive approach, deep expertise, and commitment to staying abreast of tax regulations ensure that you receive top-tier service and guidance. Contact us today to discover how we can assist you in navigating the complexities of the tax landscape and achieving your financial goals.

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