LattaHarris, LLP


Smiling mature couple meeting with bank manager for investment. Beautiful mid adult woman with husband listening to businessman during meeting in conference room in modern office. Happy middle aged couple meeting loan advisor to buy a new home.

Consulting Services:Driving Your Personal & Business Success

At LattaHarris, we measure our worth by the success achieved by our clients. Our consulting services are designed to help businesses identify areas that may be negatively impacting profitability and growth. We then develop practical and technically sound solutions to address these challenges. Acting as a trusted sounding board for management, we offer comprehensive and flexible strategies that tackle the specific issues affecting your business. Here are some of the key areas in which we provide expert consulting services:

Accounting Software Assistance

Choosing the right accounting software and using it efficiently can make a significant difference in your business results. Our team of accounting professionals has assisted numerous clients in these matters, and we are ready to help you select and implement the system that best fits your needs.

Business Entity Selection

Selecting the appropriate form of entity for your business, such as an ā€œSā€ corporation, sole proprietorship, or limited liability company, is a critical decision with long-lasting tax and legal implications. We offer expert guidance in evaluating the pros and cons of each entity type, enabling you to determine the most advantageous form of business for your company.

Business Valuations

Whether you are considering buying or selling a business, engaging in estate planning, or navigating a complex divorce, understanding the value of your business is crucial. Our experienced team provides objective and insightful analysis to assist you in making informed decisions in these important matters.

Buying & Selling a Business

Properly structuring the purchase or sale of a business is vital to ensure a smooth and successful transaction. Our highly qualified staff is well-versed in guiding you through the acquisition or disposition process. We address critical issues such as business valuation, cash flows, and tax consequences, helping you achieve the best possible outcomes.

Financial Planning

A well-structured financial plan prepares you for any financial challenge at every stage of life. Through our comprehensive financial planning process, we assess your financial needs and develop tailored strategies to help you achieve your goals and strengthen your financial security.

Retirement Planning

Successfully implementing and periodically reviewing your financial plan ensures financial independence during your working years and throughout your retirement. Our team provides expert guidance and support to help you navigate retirement planning, ensuring a secure and fulfilling future.

Choose LattaHarris as your trusted partner in consulting services. Our team of experts is dedicated to driving your personal and business success through practical solutions and strategic insights. Contact us today to take advantage of our comprehensive consulting services and propel your business forward.

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